Epic Fails That'll Make Your Day Look Perfect
8. "No Wonder My Laptop Felt so Hot"

Regular usage of irons is not something most people do. People in society no longer routinely iron their clothes; either they have synthetic materials that don't wrinkle or they simply go out looking shamefully with wrinkled garments. In any event, most people lack knowledge of how to operate an iron, as demonstrated by this young lad who obviously didn't understand the temperature.
He so ended up ironing his brother's laptop, leaving it with an imprint in the form of an iron, one that most likely never will be corrected (assuming the laptop even runs any more). It is funny and embarrassing to picture a laptop with the unique soleplate design of an iron. One can see the events: the lad, maybe in a hurry to look presentable, gets confused in a moment of preoccupation between the closed laptop and an ironing board. As he raised the iron to expose the damage, he most certainly experienced a mixture of horror and incredulity about his mistake. This accident is a warning on the perils of multitasking and the need of keeping one's surroundings under observation. It also emphasizes the generational difference in home skills, as chores like ironing are losing common knowledge. The episode surely resulted in an uncomfortable discussion with his sibling and maybe his parents about how he turned a high-tech gadget into a modern art workpiece. Retold at events for years to come, this tale will probably become a family legend and act as both a lesson to always check what you're ironing and a source of entertainment.
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