Cool Summer Nail Designs to Keep You Refreshed All Season Long

 5. Frosty Popsicle Perfection

Playful and reviving nail design inspired by popsicles will help you to cool down your appearance. This quirky handwork puts the delight of everyone's preferred frozen dessert right at your hands. To depict distinct popsicle flavours, start by painting each nail a different pastel shade - choose delicate pinks, baby blues, mint greens, and pale yellows. Using a small brush, lightly brown or beige outline a popsicle stick at the base on every nail. Paint erratic, wavy lines across the top of every nail using white nail polish to give the appearance of a half-eathered popsicle. This reminds one of melting fruit juice or ice cream. Using a dotting tool to arrange little white dots along the edges of the "melted" sections will help to create realistic imitating drips. Add a layer of scented top coat matching each "flavor"—strawberry for pink, blueberry for blue, and so on—to make your popsicle nails even more appealing. This multi-sensory method will make your manicure an aromatic as well as a visual experience. For those who enjoy some glitter, include some edible glitter—approved for cosmetic use—into your design to give your popsicles a dazzling, frosty look. This bright and imaginative nail art will definitely generate a conversation and help you to stay cool and playful all summer long.

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