6 Things We Can See Only in Scandinavia and Nowhere Else

3. In Finland, you also get a sword when you obtain a PhD.

The Unique PhD Ceremony in Finland

In Finland, earning a PhD comes with a remarkable tradition: graduates are presented with real swords and adorned with ceremonial hats during their graduation ceremony. This distinctive ritual symbolizes the new doctor’s commitment to defending truth, knowledge, and the pursuit of goodness in their field of study.

The ceremony is not only a celebration of academic achievement but also a rite of passage that emphasizes the significance of scholarly work. Interestingly, the recipients are responsible for purchasing their own swords and hats, which adds a personal touch to the event. Each sword represents the graduate's readiness to engage in intellectual battles and contribute meaningfully to society.

This tradition is steeped in history and reflects Finland's rich academic culture. The sight of graduates donning their hats and wielding swords creates a striking image, highlighting the seriousness and pride associated with achieving such a prestigious degree.

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