10 Things That Shouldn’t Be Dumped Down the Drain


The Impact of Hair on Bathroom Plumbing

Hair is one of the leading culprits behind bathroom plumbing clogs, and this issue is especially pronounced for individuals with long hair. When hair strands wash down the drain, they can become trapped in the plumbing system, where they accumulate and form large clumps. These hairballs act like nets, catching other debris such as soap scum, dirt, and other materials, which exacerbates the clogging problem.

To mitigate this issue, it's advisable to adopt preventive measures. For instance, brushing your hair before showering can significantly reduce the amount of hair that enters the drain. Additionally, when cleaning out your hairbrush, be sure to dispose of the collected hair in the garbage rather than rinsing it down the sink. This simple practice can help keep your drains clear and reduce the likelihood of clogs.

Regularly cleaning your bathroom drains and using drain covers can further minimize hair accumulation. By being proactive about hair disposal, you can maintain a healthier plumbing system and avoid costly plumbing repairs.

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